If you're an intermittent faster, you might hate to skip a day. And sometimes on a cold or flu, you might think you need to fast! But should you really?
Posts by Thierry
I have been doing intermittent fasting for several years and I've been talking about its great benefits in length. But surely, any diet or eating habit can have its faults and its flaws. So when can...
Alcohol Vs. Soft Drinks Which is Worse: The Complete Comparison
Would your give your kid a beer? And a can of coke? Is alcohol really much worse than soft drinks? Discover the whole story in this complete comparison.
How low-calorie diets compare with intermittent fasting? What's the science behind it? Why would you be better off eating less often, than eating less?
Fasting for several days sounds crazy to you? Discover all the whys and hows of doing a prolonged fast in this complete guide and experience it yourself!
20+ Ways To Break a Weight-Loss Plateau On Intermittent Fasting
You're doing intermittent fasting, seeing results, nothing can stop you... except the dreaded plateau. Check out these 20+ awesome tips to break through it!